Free hand sanitizer, please call the EMS Council and request a FREE CASE of hand sanitizer for your EMS Agency.
COVID-19 Guidelines and Resources
The Southwest Virginia EMS Council has created this page to provide information related to the COVID-19 crisis to our regional EMS agencies and providers. We have just released guidance for EMS agencies as you respond in your communities to possible and confirmed COVID-19 cases. It is essential for EMS agencies and providers to be diligent in addressing patient care during this public health emergency. Understanding proper techniques for limiting exposure and the spread of disease is vital. The resources linked below contain the latest available information. Refer to these sites frequently. Review guidelines for proper use of PPE, and pay attention to urgent communications being sent by various stakeholders. To assist our agencies and providers, new protocols and guidelines have been approved by the regional Medical Direction Committee for immediate implementation. Please discuss these with your operational medical direction. These are available on our mobile app and attached here: